East Mercia Methodist Circuit Logo Link

Welcome to website for the East Mercia Methodist Circuit

Take a look at our latest video:

East Mercia Circuit – Good News Stories

It has been great to welcome the Rev'd Nathan Falla as he is now our Superintendent and the Rev'd Brian Hutton as the new minister for Broadwell, Daventry and Lutterworth.


For safeguarding issues or concerns please contact our Circuit Safeguarding Officer.
Our safeguarding page can be accessed here.

What we believe

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.

The East Mercia Circuit – a short history

East Mercia is a new Circuit in the Methodist family, formed in September 2022 when three Circuits amalgamated – these were Rugby & Daventry, Market Harborough and Kettering & Corby.

The geographical spread of the Circuit runs from Corby in the East to Rugby in the West and from Kibworth in the north to Daventry in the south. The A14 is the natural road route through most of the Circuit.

The East Mercia Circuit has 3 major conurbations in its area: Kettering (including Corby); Market Harborough; and Rugby (including surrounding villages). Alongside these centres of population, there are several rural communities which are served by Methodist Churches / Local Ecumenical Projects (LEPs).

There are 18 places where we hold worship: 15 Methodist churches, 1 LEP, and 1 care home where we provide worship each month on a rota basis with other denominations. We also use a minibus to provide outreach services.

The Circuit is blessed to have a good complement of ordained staff and lay staff who work alongside them, in specific projects in the Circuit.

Do take a look at the rest of the website

© 2025 – East Mercia Methodist Circuit